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Stereopal Visits Mr. Song Kim of Song Audio Oct 19, 2011
by Ron Cheung
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Through passion and determination, this is the story of one man who turned his lifelong dream into the viable business of Song Audio. |
I first met Mr. Kim at the 2004 Festival Son & Image audio show. Having lingered too long in some of the show rooms, I was running short on time trying to sample each of the remaining ones. While going from room to room in search of systems with a distinctive sound, I stumbled upon Song Audio's room where the flagship 300B amplifier was on display. The first thing to catch my eye was the uniquely placed speakers, aimed diagonally across the room. The second was of course the 2 tiny little amps driving the 5 ft. tall single driver speakers (Loth-X Polaris). Had someone missed the memo, everyone else had figured out which way to aim their speakers? After having finished listening to Mr. Kim's set up, I realized two things. The first being that I was now short an hours time, and the second that I didn't mind a bit. The man had something unique going on there, I was impressed. The sound was definitely different from other setups. The sound was pleasantly euphoric, and had a coherency and musicality which were missing from other systems I'd heard. When I got back to Toronto, I started doing some research (yes I was that impressed) and found out Mr. Kim actually lives a mere 10 mins from me so I did what any true blooded audiophile stalker would do and took the liberty of calling him up. I must admit, I'm no Stereophile or Absolute sound. Nor am I a fancy magazine reviewer nor do I work for the industry. I'm just an ordinary audiophile with a not so well known audiophile website, so I've had my share of less than positive responses when I've called some companies up. Those who welcome me are usually the true audiophiles who still remember what it is to take pleasure in music and have wonder in this hobby, and aren't immediately concerned about how they're going to benefit from my call, or how I may affect their brand image politically. "Come on in, Richard, you and your friends are always welcomed here.", said Mr. Kim. I was delighted. What a gentleman he is (even knowing my speakers probably weren't suited to 8 watts 300B Amplifiers). He and his wife were extremely courteous and welcomed me with beers and Korean snacks. |
I asked him if I could listen to the flagship 300B
Monoblocs and the SA-1 Preamp which he had on display at Montreal.
amplifier first showed it could satisfy my needs for dynamics and the sense of scale inherent to this type of church music. The voices were not hard nor fragmented, and it was easy for me to distinguish between individual voices. |
After the initial visit,
we became friends and I've since gone back several times to listen to his various new
designs. |
Aside from having unique, and wonderfully sounding, audio designs, Mr. Kim's story and passion for music is perhaps just as inspiring. |
Mr. Kim's Audiophile Journey
"My journey began at around 1950-60, when I first heard Pat Boone's song 'I'll Be Home' through a GE tube tuner, and I thought to myself, boy that sounded really good ! I instantly fell in love with tube audio." said Mr. Kim. "Back then audio equipment was very expensive, a few hundred dollars in those days was equal to thousands of dollars in today's terms. I had a job at the second infantry division as an interpreter with the U.S army, the pay was not bad and I was not able to buy a lot of equipment. I still remember RCA coming out with transistor gear in 1961 and it was very expensive back then. Zenith was the king of radio." "I got married in 1962 and my second son was born in 1965. There was a lot of expense in supporting my family, but I managed to buy a good amount of second hand equipment from army servicemen." |
"$ 600 USD a month in 1966 was a lot of money. I was told by somebody that you could probably buy a new Chevy every month with that kind of money ! With my new salary, I was able to afford all kinds of equipment. Ampex tape recorders, Fischer amps, Scott's, Sansui amps, you name it. Later on, I bought the McIntosh MC-60 and it remained as one of my favorites." |
"In 1971, I had the opportunity to emigrate to the U.S, but somehow I ended up in Brazil. To make a long story short, I eventually came to Canada. I undertook many different businesses, I had operated convenience store and coffee shops, and I was also a mechanic for many years. But my passion has always been audio."
"I told myself that I have lived half of my life trying to earn a living, raising my children. My eldest has earned a PHD from Cambridge university and I am very proud of that. But now that they have all grown up, it is time to spend the rest of my life doing what I really love. In 2001, I took my retirement savings and invested them into my audio business and Song Audio was born."
Everyone who knows me is well aware that I am a big McIntosh fan. Most of my gear is McIntosh and will probably remain so. Mr. Kim was well aware of my preferences even before he opened his house to me. But to my surprise........
"I'm a big fan of McIntosh too" said Mr. Kim, "In fact, I was inspired by McIntosh. There are many brands out there, but not every one of them have their own distinctive sound, but McIntosh does have their own sound. I find them to be very warm and tubish. Their solid state amplifiers sounds very much like their tube gear. Having a distinctive sound to Song Audio has always been a clear vision for me. I want to have a distinctive Song Audio sound."
Scott Robinson's EL34 Integrated Amp which was left on for 2 months straight ! |
Single Ended Designs
According to Mr. Kim, his goal is to present music in the cleanest original form. He believes single ended designs have the shortest signal path and can therefore deliver the purest sound. Most of Mr. Kim's design are single ended, in fact they are the first company to produce a single-ended triode zero feedback design using the EL34 tube.
Mr. Kim has informed me that a new version of the EL34 amp called the "Cecilia" will be launched very soon. I am sure I will be back to visit him very shortly to test out his new design.
.........Richard H. Mak, Stereopal.com |
Mr. Kim at the Denver Audio Show, 2005.
Montreal Audio Show
Rocky Mountain Audio Fest 2005
Rocky Mountain Audio Fest 2005
Flagship dual chassis Preamp
Audio room at Mr. Kim's house.
Here's that cool picture again.
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